Psy Captains,

Genetic City is in full swing! The team is still busy fixing bugs in the latest versions of the game and preparing for the MGG anniversary.

Straight to the point, the news from the arena:

- Alien Discoveries:

We extended the event by three days. It will now end on July 6, 2023.

- Mutants Madness:

The offer is running this weekend!

- New Mutant:

A legendary Cyber will make its debut in July! Fasten your seatbelts Helidrone KxT-271 will soon blow you away!

- Account restoration:

Restoration of hacked/stolen accounts is underway. We were able to recover the first batch of players' accounts already. Thanks for your patience!

If your account has been stolen/hacked and you haven't sent in a request yet, contact Game Support to help you with restoration (https://kobojosupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new).

- New iOS version:

Psy Captains on iPhone, we haven't forgotten you! 💪

Alongside the fixes for the Android version, we're making the final adjustments to send out a new iOS version of the game.

This phase is taking a bit more time due to the many requirements regarding display on Apple.

Once we've sent this new version to Apple, the delay before the game is made available on the Apple Store will depend on how much time Apple needs to evaluate and approve the latest application update.

- Known priority bugs:

We receive messages every day about some recurring bugs. While we carefully examine and record every request, some issues that affect many players or represent major gameplay issues are prioritized by the development team.

Even if we don't mention them in the patch notes (because they are not solved yet), it doesn't mean we're ignoring them, just that they're still under investigation 🙇

📩 If you are personally impacted and wish to share some information with us (screenshots, video), you can send a ticket to Game Support with your MGG Account ID or reply to an already opened ticket.

***Incubator Bug:

This recent bug affects some players. We aim to fix it as soon as more global issues are resolved (Android/iOS patches). An investigation is underway to identify the origin of the problem.

***Daily gifts bug (+ tags):

This a bug we want to fix as soon as possible, but it may take longer than expected due to Facebook evolutions to take into consideration.

Stay safe and take care, Psy Captains!

Play MGG and win a gift -> https://bit.ly/3NPUMpH

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